Wednesday, March 12, 2014


I tossed the kale in the coconut and while it was crisping in the oven, I poured myself a glass of golden chardonnay-a left over bottle from a friend's wedding. Lunch was so meager that the wine went straight to my head and settled into a lovely internal fizz.

Tonight's dinner was one of my favorites. My roomie and I call it Kale Crack because it is so addicting. There was one week where we made it three nights in a row. Over quinoa, it is a dish to die for. Unfortunately we were out of grains, so I used it as a side with reheated chicken. Being a single gal, I love to watch shows while I eat dinner. I've tried to eat at the table with music in the background, but the lack of conversation depresses me. A dinner with no "how was your day?" or "what did you learn today?" is no fun at all.

My current mealtime entertainment of choice is the sitcom Cheers. I only began to watch it after watching Fraiser. I was so sad that the show was over, that I decided to go back to the beginning where his character was first introduced. Being a lover of stories, of course I couldn't begin in the third season when Frasier appears.

I love the characters already. The drama of Sam and Diane, the apathy of Norm and Cliff, and the spiteful hilarity of Carla have endeared me to the show from the beginning. This may be sad to admit, but I identify with Diane. I have an unfortunate habit of correcting people (I blame the teacher in me) and an interest in the finer things of life. I do not, however, identify with her overbearing nature or incessant babble. I am so interested to see how things develop.

Until we meet again. Cheers!

P.S. NAM! Norman! (if you've seen it, you know what I mean!)

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